Tuesday, November 27, 2007

why ....

Is it necessary that i transform my thoughts ,my outlook,my beliefs n in fact my whole being so that i can settle easily into this so-called society..so that i can set myself into the never ending monotonous rut of life that is being thrown in my face!!does living in harmony with the world always mean that i be at war with myself,quench my ideals for the sake of some self righteous people who don't even matter to me??whats so wrong if i look for some sensible explanation behind every thing i do..behind every norm i follow.i mean why do people have to act so blindly..do as d world does..as it has been happening since ages even though its been punched out of all sense!!my whole life is being dictated by societal norms....who is d society to tell me what i should be doing and what not!!do i impress my opinions on anyone??then why the hell is everyone bent on making me feel like a rebel..some outcast..a lunatic in fact when all i want to do is to live the way i like!whenever i speak out my mind..i am either hushed up cuz its too sensational a thing to be discussed so freely or i am told that d bloody thing has been followed since eons so i had better keep my trap shut!!why don't people realize that each and every individual matters...each one can make a difference!!
why is everyone leading a vegetable existence??why do they not think for themselves...they would twist and turn every thing so that it can gel into what others follow..people wont stand up fer eradicating AIDS cuz well..its a sexually transmittd disease n so well...we musnt b talkin abt it though half of the population is affected by it..bt who cares!!u see its a bad influence on God knows who!!wtf!!people shudnt donate organs after death... how can they interfere wid d decisions of d almighty!!if God hasnt givn eyes to a persn ..den he isnt meant to see d world..so why should we help to make his life better!!can someone please make me see any sense in any of this crap!!i mean dthe futility of it all!!
we have found excuses for each and every misdeed...but none of us would ever try to set things right!!we will all sit back.,..shake our heads at d inefficiency of the system..but none of us would provide a solution.its high time people stood up to their rights..the right to speech..the right to express your opinions..the right to make a difference!!!