Wednesday, December 31, 2008

besides some usual my computer bunging in tym n again n me losing sm pretty importnt info due to formattin n re-formatting...n some stupid health problms and my memory loss creating problms galore..n a few xtremely mad moments wen our country faced disastrous attacks n our govt failing to do as required..wen i sersly cnsiderd taking up arms against dem all n d recession n d inflation etc etc..2008 has safely been one ov d most satisfactry years among my odd 21 yrs on earth!
besides taking sm really sensible life saving decisions wich had been pendin since a few yrs..i did things i had nevr expectd i wud evr indulge in,evn remotely!i found dat u dnt always hav to wander far n wide to find love...infact u dnt hav to find one at all..its jus dat u hav to sense it!n i did sense it pretty d early part of d year too!!so d rest of d year ws all so good fr me..despite a few kinks here n super fyts wen d xtremes seemd a viable option..some super moments wich i wud cherish awesome birthday..such as i had nt fr a momnt xpectd wud b n so on!contrary to wat evryone sez n thinks abt has definitely stabilisd me..made me so mch mre bettr..responsible towrds my family n frnds ..sensitiv to othrs!yes..i finally realisd i cn love n love so freely..widout bounds!
academically too i had a blast of a year..tho m nt sure if i cn say so fr d coming year...or infact d coming week.while i toppd d univ examz in secnd yr...m sure d fifth semstrs will cnveniently dash me dwn to d grounds!well..i cn vry safely put it all onto my stupid illnesses n various othr problems :D!fiesta '08 had been rockin too..n v discovrd dat v certainly cn do awsmly well at cultural stuff too!had sm fantabulous moments while practicing fr choreo...v grabbd d 3rd place tho evryone sed v desrvd d top position!hw i miss those long hours of practice..d smallest detailing..recording songs..bangin our heads into d minutest of details..d most subtle actions..d tiniest part of d act..d props n costumes!each n every secnd has been etchd so deeply in my mind!so...fiesta '09 is being eagerly awaitd!
d 16 or 18 odd attacks on our country left me fuming at evryone..d criminals n d terrorists fr deir ghastly actions..d insensitiv politicians fr deir selfishnes n blindness..evn d innocent ppl fr deir shortsightedness...d pseudo secularists fr being so dumb n stupid n evn myself fr doin nuthin bt fuming!i felt so tormentd wen i thot abt those thousnds of families who lost their an aspiring son/daughtr..a loving husband/wife..a doting fathr/mothr...deir sole bread winnr..d smallest child of d family who had gone out to buy sweets...a dutyful son who had gone to earn some monay to support his family...wen a newly married woman saw her husband being shot in d head..wen so many policemen n commandos lost deir lives at d whim of a handful of bas!@#$^ !!!its unfathomable...d grief...d sorrow..d life long misery wich dey hav been bessottd to!human life has become so cheap!
neway..moving on...i learnt a very importnt lesson in d latr part of d year...dat ws nt to trust neone blindly!evn frnds...ppl cn b selfish to d xtreme n totally deceptiv wen it cums to persnal gain!n dat in a way is pretty justified..i mean evryone here lives fr demselvs n if u trust smone stupidly...u deserve to b stabbd in d bak!n yeah i learnt a bit ov diplomacy too :D..m on frndly terms wid almost d whole wrld...tho in a mch mre sensible way!
so all in all its been a pretty mixed up year!d negativs drownd ovrwhelmingly by d positives...n since it no use grumbling at d year dat has's mre intellignt to remembr it lovingly..aint it ;)