Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The connection I had lost with myself reasserts itself...the lack of harmony I was feeling within myself vanishes with the very first word I type here. I suppose writing is afterall, a passion for me. Like music defines some and art others, writing, and writing whatever crap bounces off my mind, gives me a feeling of belonging to myself.

At 12:32 am, I am far from sleepy. The restlessness and irritability, with which I had settled down, under my blankets to call it a day, has suddenly disappeared. A calmly settling peace and flighty happiness is stealing over me as that gradually wafting aroma of coffee  you feel slipping down your nostrils and enveloping your entire system, ( yes..am pretty much of a coffee addict). After a hiatus of over two years, I am finally penning down anything I wish. I don't know why I had stopped, nor why I resumed.

I am free.


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