Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Connecting people!

Say what you will against the internet..how it  takes people away from reality, how it is taking people apart, how the social sites are ruining the fabric of the society and blah blah. Having met some of the best people in my life through these very banal social networking sites, I am a huge fan. And I am sure, many many others, especially those  oddly introverted, seemingly reserved types like me would agree.

There are people, whom I haven;t met, atleast yet and they form one of the strongest links in my life. I know it sounds kiddish and the beginning of a horrid story where the person is butchered later at the hands of those very trusted people he/she met(?) online and all the crap the followed. I don't know. You take a poll and you'll find as many people agreeing with it as those begging to differ. Come on guys! You gotta see both sides of the coin!

I found a guy...an idiot who started out as a random, sometimes an excruciatingly bossy donkey, with such an air of superiority that you might want to rag him till he came down a peg or two. This by the way has proven impossible till date. While I used to seethe and squirm at hi nonchalance and bhaigiri, there were times, I felt almost affectionate towards him. As the time passed, we became buddies, great buddies infact, till one day this guy asked me to be his SISTER! I agreed readily because by the time 3 years or so had passed, I had too started looking upon him as a kid brother, whose ears I longed to twist the hell out of! But I had my doubts if he would be good to his words. I did not like this concept of friends turning siblings and all, yet I decided to make an exception. I am glad I did. And so here I am, writing a eulogy or him! :D

Iyer or Mote or Donkey as I call him mostly, is one of the most idiotic people on the planet. He is as good with his heart as he is bad with his words, and this is probably why we are such great friend-siblings. He has been with me through the thickest and the thinnest, always ready with sarcasm to pull your spirits down, if at all they are soaring too high, always ready with a stupid joke, even if you beg him to spare you, always angry with me for forgetting special days and always ready to forgive! I can in turn be a badi behen and a chhoti behen as I please and be assured he'll never let me down.
Though we are not related, heck, we haven't even met each other, I do not think it would have gotten any better, even if he was my brother in blood. Probably this is why this is so special. I never have a kind word to say for him, yet I know he understands how much I look upto him, for his objectivity and impracticality, for his strength and weaknesses, for everything that makes him so awesome.