Thursday, January 17, 2008


it has occurred to me several times n never ceases to surprise me that people almost always seem to have a clear and perfect idea about others' lives.those who havent a notion as to where their own lives are heading..are ironically well aware of the exact manner in wich or me shud lead ours!!!is it ,as we popularly call it "bhed-bakri pravriti"??? dats flowing with the current,doing as the world does without as much as stopping to spare a thought to always leaves me wondering....
we r so unsure of our way of living dat v always hesitate to take the first try out something new..see things in a different plane than that in wich they appear to things wich might make sense to us but fail to meet social approval.sorry for my inability to express myself.being a science student i spend almost 3 of my 7 hours of college in a laboratory...provided with several chemicals n a set of protocols according to wich i have to perform my "experiment".mind u ...d procedures of the lab manual have to b followd the smallest detail.the oxford's describes "experiment" as a scientific procedure carried out to make a discovery/a new course of action that you try out without being sure of its question is that if we are being made to follow d same procedure again and again....then wat kind of "experiment" are WE performing????does this make sense??why do my professors have to scream out at me wen i err....deviate a wee *winks*bit frm my object...*grins*.life's so unfair!!
that was, i guess a terrible digression from the topic..*sigh* but these are just a few things that keep zooming in and out of my mind.n i had to vent it somewhere!from a very early age we're told or rather taught to use our own discretion..follow our heart and mind...but soon as a person actually sets out to do so...the same people forbid him to do nething out of ordinary!!he is then forced to "do as the others have done".why these double standards???the greatest men on this earth wer ridiculed in their time....why does it always have to be like dis??i'v never known..never understood.probably i never will....but i would love too.
i am an individual in my own right..i have the sense and sensibility to take my own deciisions whether they are right or wrong.its upto me to mould my life the way i want to.i am responsible for my own life.i should have no cause to regret my decisions later least not in d way of blaming someone else for them.i haven't given the right to every tom,dick and harry to take my decisions fer check me every time i do something wich might not be tell me dat i am wrong.if i pursue my goals d way i wish to...i might not be d winner but i would be a happier person..more at peace with myself.n i like it dat may not be very good...but it wud surely be the best for me.
man is a social animal..agreed!!but only if people kept to themselves,minded their own business n interfered minimally with what the rest of the world was doingif only they spend their valuable time on their lives...n not be busy controlling would be a much happier place indeeed!!!

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