Friday, January 18, 2008


so I've suddenly discovered this craze for blogging...not becoz its supposedly the "in" thing nowadays or sm latest fad..nor becoz everyone seems to be blogging dese days ..n certainly not becoz "ye cool hai yaar" *giggles*..but for the simple reason dat it actually lets me express n my random thoughts( my blog title suggests).its not my disposition to sit idle..though i love it much (i mean lazying around 24x7..sleeping n um mm...sleeping some more) *winks* ..i belong to a more fidgeting...restless species..yearning forever for a change..some activity which requires more of me than just sitting ,ogling at the computer fingers hovering on the keyboard answering the same dreary questions n asking them back.something wich has become my usual routine nowadays..or becomes so in almost all the breaks that come my brain..something my friends assert,i seldom use,is craving
for something wich would require it to wake up from a deep slumber[m talking of its current state dat is *grins*]

and so here i am filling up this write up with all the crap that is presently bombarding my mind..n yeah i know its really idiotic.but dis is wat i blog for!to vent all my frustration(i know dis is going to elicit grins from a few of my friends!!),to put at rest my mind,to express myself in any way i like without the fear..or should i say concern of being criticized or scrutinized under the microscope,n most importantly to put an end to my usual tirade about my boring life..about having nothing to do wich had truly driven my friends crazy *sighs*. so as one of my friends have pointed out,blogging has at least proved useful in this regard!! feels better now.... :D n i cn see that dis post is heading to be another one of those monotonous write ups..wich is so like my other posts(this is in itself, ironical, considering my aversion to monotony in any form) ..neway i had better stop here now i guess!!

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